Alhamdullilah, thanks to Allah for giving the opportunity to still breathing. i am stuck right now, i am messed up. WHY? the reason? lots of assignment that need to be settled down. uwaa, i just thought i could not breath (yeah, what a drama queen i am, sue me) but, seriously, one settled down, then come again the new one. when would it come to end? i guess, when the final come. but glad to have them as my teammates. seriously, they are awesome.
so whats up with the tittle? once again, i want to shout out loud here, i am an INTROVERT girl. yeah seriously, i not good doing the approach and the first one to say something. that is totally me. but comes again, that when i don't really know someone, because i don't appreciate much about someone do intervene my PRIVACY. but when time flee and i found to be comfortable be with those people then i take another step to open up being me.. obviously it takes time, but thanks again for this moment, i have those people that i do consider that as friends. my friends here. i do bless to have them, thanks Allah for letting me know them. yeah, you do planned well even sometimes it was not what i expect, but at the end i do feel grateful. mistake do thought me a real lesson. stick to people who you know would bring something in you. the real you. no need to pretend or what so ever. they will stick with you even at worst when they are the true ones. it would takes time to identify the real ones, but it worth it.
p/s: breathing and make memories. because at one times you would know that are the precious thing that ever happened to you. that the reason you live and the reason you grow. every memories even the bitter one would make who you real are. ~ just saying...
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