It's already November. The time flee too fast. Yeah, soon 2016 will come to an ending and it's about time i would end this semester and proceed for practical. So, this semester might be the last time my friends and i together. It is quite upsetting since we would far apart and who knows when would we gather around again and for the next year i would be in two series. I'm wonder, what have i already achieve for my life and all i need to be better than i was yesterday. Like we would always heard that no need to look back your past because life never meant to be traveled backwards, what bygone be bygone. This semester has just started like a week and it quite nice so far since my housemates this semester are my close friends so it quite nice to have their company since it's not awkward like i used before. thanks to Allah for that.
quote of the day
" be happy, do not let the sadness destroy you. say Alhamdulillah on everything that happens to you"