why don't we make a little change about that. How about we start with
these kind of act, try to always feel grateful for every little things
we have. eg: family, health, happiness- even we might have struggle with
in our finance. why? because the world don't revolve around us.
act we can practice is try to look at the side of people that have less
than us, don't look at the people that have more than us. why? because
that way can make we feel grateful on what we have, because we know that
there are people who struggles to have what we already have right now.
have our own struggles so are the others. So, why don't we act more
kind to each others because we know how hard to keep on moving in this
world to overcome every hardship that we encounter in life. A little
kindness make a world of difference.
I have been searching for ways to heal myself, and i have found that kindness is the best way..